Preet Shah

Personalize booking links for ActiveCampaign
Use URL parameters with the booking page link to auto-fill participant details and offer a personalized scheduling experience through your ActiveCampaign email blast
Personalize booking links for MailChimp Campaign
Use URL parameters with the booking page link to auto-fill participant details and offer a personalized scheduling experience to your contacts through MailChimp
URL Parameters to personalize scheduling at scale
It allows you to extend the URL with name and email as parameters which is used by FreeBusy to auto-fill participant details and personalize the experience
How to manage subscription and update payment info?
Manage your subscriptions & update payment information
Get more meetings with booking link in your email signature
"I'd prefer exploring the product myself rather than talking to a sales person." It is an increasing sentiment and a challenge faced by not just the B2C businesses but also amongst B2B products and companies. So while it would be wrong to dismiss it as a fad, taking that statement
Scheduler for Salesforce
Learn how FreeBusy helps you schedule meeting through salesforce.