"I'd prefer exploring the product myself rather than talking to a sales person."

It is an increasing sentiment and a challenge faced by not just the B2C businesses but also amongst B2B products and companies. So while it would be wrong to dismiss it as a fad, taking that statement at its face value, can also be misleading. Because all it means is that people are rejecting the traditional approach to sales.

Customers today want to feel in control of their buying journey instead of being driven by a sales person. They want to be able to educate and experience the product at their own pace. And when they do have questions, they want to be able to quickly reach out and get their queries resolved. All you need as a team is to allow prospects to connect with you at every touchpoint in the buyer's journey.

But imagine if you had to go through a back-and-forth over the emails every time the prospect wanted to schedule a meeting with you. It is not only an undesirable experience for the prospect but also a significantly time-consuming task for you. What if you could let the prospect schedule a meeting at a time that works for both of you in under 60 seconds?

FreeBusy lets you setup your meeting preferences once and share your booking page as a link included within your email signature. So, the next time a prospect wants to connect with you, they can just click the link in your signature, check your availability and pick a time that works for them. Yes! It's indeed that easy to get many more meetings right from your emails. But that's not it. With FreeBusy you can:

Share Unified Availability:
FreeBusy allows you to connect all your calendars and fetches real-time availability from all your calendars whenever a prospect checks your booking page. This unified availability ensures that you never have to worry about being double booked.

Prevent last minute appointments:
While configuring preferences for your booking page, you can inform FreeBusy to only show your availability such that you have enough time to prepare for a meeting. For instance, if you do not want to have meetings without a 3-hour notice, you can configure FreeBusy to prevent new appointments in the 3-hour window from current time.

Link your Web conferencing:
Whenever a meeting is scheduled by a prospect, you can configure FreeBusy to reach out to your web configuring service and create a session for the meeting. It saves you a ton of effort to create a virtual meeting session and email the details every time a meeting is booked. Moreover, this meeting session is automatically added to the calendar invite so that it is easily accessible to connect before the meeting.

Reminders to avoid no-shows:
When meetings are scheduled in advance, it is often the case that the meeting is a no-show because the prospect forgot about it and made some other plans at the same time. Not only is the time wasted, but it also requires additional efforts to schedule a meeting again. FreeBusy instead allows you to setup multiple reminders that not just remind the prospect in advance but also allows them to reschedule at some other time.

Let FreeBusy do all the heavy lifting to ensure a great scheduling experience while you can sit back and focus on what you do best: Build Relationships