If you and your team are attending a confernece and want to schedule meetings across conference you can use this guide.

Create a Booking Page for your conference: Best way to stay organised is creating a new booking page for the conference and adding appointment types to schedule meeting at conference. This way you can easily keep an eye on all the meetings that gets scheduled at the confernece. Learn how to check meetings scheduled for a booking page.

How to check meetings scheduled for a booking page?
See all the meetings you and your colleagues have scheduled for a booking page.

Schedule meetings while traveling across timezones

If you wish to pre-book your meetings before con you fix the timezone for the dates of conference you can setup appointment type for it as well.

How to easily schedule meetings while traveling across timezones?
Setup your availability to pre-book yourself for the business travel in same or different timezone.

Schedule meetings at your booth

You can also schedule meetings at your booth when meeting room at booth is available. You can simply assign an email to meeting room, add it as a host and set policy as "When all required hosts are available" in "Change host".  This way meeting will be schedule when you and meeting room both are available.

See this guide to setup appointment type for it (simply replace team member's email with email associated with meeting room.)

How to automatically share times when all team members are available?
Use this Appointment Type setting if you want to share time when all hosts are available

Host seminar or informative sessions at conference

You can host some sessions or seminar to inform your audiance about your business. To allow them to book the conference you can use the signup sheet appointment type.

How to allow multiple people to sign up for a same time.
A step-by-step guide to learn how to use signup sheet.