Say you are traveling between Feb 1, 2023 to Feb 10, 2023 from New York to San Fracisco on a business travel for conference and you wish to pre-book yourself for this travel.

Here is how you can setup:

Step 1: Go to Appointment Booking

Step 2: Click on "Manage Appointment Types"

Step 3: Click on "Add Appointment Type" to create appoitnment type for this travel.

Step 4: After creating appoitntment type click on "Change hours"

Step 5: Locate "Availability hours are in a fixed time zone" option and select the time zone for the city you are traveling to

Skip this step if you are in the same timezone as your base location.

Step 5: Locate "Availability hours are in a fixed time zone"

Step 6: On your right select "Limit availability to specific date range" and select the dates of your travel

Make sure to save the changes and go back.

This way you will show available from Feb 1,2023 to Feb 10,2023 in Pacific Time (Timezone to San Francisco).