If you want that your guest can book your time only when everyone who is important for meeting is available, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Go to Appointment Booking Page and Click on "Manage Appointment Types" on Booking Page of your choice.

Step 2: Click on create an Appointment Type and Select "Automatic" in how to set available times

Create Appointment Type
Select automatic in how to set available times

Step 3 : Once Appointment Type is created click on "Change hosts" and add your colleagues as hosts.

Click on change host

Based on the web conferencing service you are using, person who is selected as organizer will have certain rights to start or end meetings on respective web conferencing service.

Add multiple hosts

Step 4: Select "When all required hosts are available" option.

Selecting this option will ensure that times will only be shown when ALL of these participants are available.

Step 5: Click on "Save" and go back.

Step 6: Change availabile times you wish to offer by clicking on "change hours"

Step 7: If you wish to make changes in other preferences such as duration, location, reminders and questions that are asked to your guest, you can do so by clicking on "Edit Appointment Type"

Make sure you click on "Save Appointment Type" after making changes.