Note: To follow the steps of this article you will need Outlook Add-in or Chrome Extension installed. If you haven't done it yet then: Click here to install Outlook Add-in for Outlook users and Click here to install Chrome Extension for Gmail or any other email platform users.

Step 1:  Start composing a new email or reply to an email and add candidate and interviewers in "to" line.

Step 2: Open the FreeBusy Outlook Add-in or Chrome Extension by clicking on FreeBusy icon

It should look like screenshot below. Check if all people you added in "To" line are added as participants.

If you cannot find it, use the following guides to know how to access for both Outlook and Chrome:

  1. How to access FreeBusy Add-in in Outlook?
  2. How to access FreeBusy Chrome Extension?

Step 3: Select a meeting template that is close to the type of meeting you wish to schedule

DO NOT click on "Pick Times" if you do not have anything in your mind.

Encourage your candidate to select as many times as possible.

If rest of members of panel are on FreeBusy, it will automatically show times when you all are available for interview and meeting will automatically be scheduled at one of time that candidate has chosen.

If rest of panel members are not on FreeBusy, you will have to share meeting poll link with them once you receive times from candidate.

Step 6: (Given rest of your panel members are not on FreeBusy) Once you receive vote from candidate find meeting poll share it with rest of panel members.

You can find meeting poll link from origianal email that you sent or you can navigate to appointment booking page, click on bell icon and click on "open polls" to find and copy link to this meeting poll.

Step 7: Your guests will see the times which candidate has picked and they will be able to vote on it.

Step 8: Once everyone votes on times and common time is found meeting will automatically be scheduled.

If common time is not found, click on "Manage meeting poll" from email updates you receive about this meeting poll and look at voted times. You can pick a time and manually schedule meeting manually as well if you think most people are available at certain time.