As a recruiter, you are often times responsible for the end-to-end recruitment process. One of the crucial stages of this cycle is the Selection stage which would include all the different interviews that would take place with the candidate based on the job opening and the company size.

This would mean that you as a recruiter would have to spend a ton of time to broker a meeting between the candidate and the hiring manager. Imagine you have 15-20 candidates for whom you need to setup interviews with the hiring manager. In absence of an automated scheduling tool like FreeBusy, it would take on an average 8-10 email exchanges with each candidate and resulting into a couple of hours spent trying to schedule interview for every candidate.

Save a ton of time scheduling interviews with FreeBusy

But how does a tool like FreeBusy help you coordinate a meeting faster?

Case 1: You and hiring manager both need to be part of the interview with candidate
FreeBusy allows you to use automated scheduling to get the interview scheduled in under 30 seconds. All you would need to do is generate an appointment booking page where you can add the hiring manager and yourself as the hosts required for the meeting.
You can share this link with all the 15-20 potential candidates over email or chat. When the candidate opens the link, FreeBusy would only show the times when both you and hiring manager are available. The candidates can quickly self schedule and book a slot that works for them.

Case 2: The interview is only between the hiring manager and candidate
When you use FreeBusy as a team, it allows you to setup an appointment booking page that just has the hiring manager set as the host. When you share the link with the candidate, since the hiring manager has connected the calendar to FreeBusy, the link would show the availability of the hiring manager and the candidate can book a slot for the interview. As soon as the meeting is proposed, the candidate would receive a calendar invite from the hiring manager.

So basically FreeBusy eliminates the entire process of going back-and-forth over the email with each candidate thus saving a ton of time and efforts for you as a recruiter.

FreeBusy offers several other ways to coordinate such a meeting if the hiring manager is not part of your company and does not have a FreeBusy account. In such a case, you as recruiter would have to create a meeting poll to let hiring manager and candidate vote on their preferred times. FreeBusy would automatically schedule the interview when consensus is found.

To make it further easy for you, FreeBusy is available as an Outlook add-in, a Gmail add-on and a Chrome extension to help generate meeting polls and share it with clients on the fly whether you work from within Outlook, Gmail or any other ATS application.