In recent times, LinkedIn has grown beyond just a platform for professionals to connect with each other and turned into a great source of finding talented professionals who may fit the job opening you are recruiting for.

But a lot of recruiters that I have listened to, believe that the experience of sourcing candidates over LinkedIn is similar to a two edge sword. Because, while LinkedIn makes it easy to find the candidates, the accessibility for all recruiters makes it quite competitive as well. So as recruiters you would often find yourself racing against time to reach out to candidates who may be actively looking for a job.

FreeBusy helps you make it easy for a candidate to connect with you in under 60 seconds, much faster than some other recruiter from a different company or an organization.

Connect with candidates 10x faster on LinkedIn

Based on the experience of several recruiters, the common workflow used today to source candidates from LinkedIn is as follows:

  1. Filter the pool of candidates based on the skills that you need for the job opening
  2. Send an introductory message over LinkedIn that talks about the job opening and how it could be the best fit for them
  3. Check if they are actively looking for a job
  4. If yes, try to see if you can schedule a quick 15-min call where you could explain a bit more about the opening and understand more about the candidate.
  5. Go back and forth a couple of times till you find the slot that works for the two of you and schedule the call.

It can take you up to ~10-15 minutes both for you and the candidate in figuring out the best time to connect with. Moreover, you would have to repeat the process with several candidates that fit the profile.

Changing the workflow to save a ton of time

A tool like FreeBusy allows you to automate scheduling of the 15-min call such that you don't have to engage with any candidate in being able to figure out the time for the conversation.

So when you connect your calendar to FreeBusy, it would automatically create an appointment booking page for you that you can use for scheduling quick chats with any one that you share the link with.

You can share the link of the appointment booking page for quick chat with candidates in your introductory message. When a candidate reads your introductory message and clicks on the link, they can see only the times when you are available and pick a time that works for them.

It takes less than 60 seconds for the candidate to book the slot without any back-and-forth

Taking it a step further:

  1. FreeBusy allows you to add custom questions that the candidate should respond to before they can propose the meeting. It helps you collect any information you need before the call
  2. You can restrict the availability for quick chat to certain hours of the day instead of getting such calls scheduled throughout the day
  3. You can integrate your favorite web conferencing tool so that FreeBusy can talk to the tool on your behalf and automatically add the link for the call in the location of the calendar invite.
    (FreeBusy integrates with Microsoft Teams, Zoom, GoToMeeting, Webex, RingCentral, Skype, Meet etc. Check the full list of integrations)

FreeBusy can thus help you automate a number of steps in the workflow of scheduling of such quick chats while you are sourcing candidates on LinkedIn so that you stay ahead in the race against time.