Different recruiting teams often like to define the various stages of the recruitment cycle differently based on their own internal processes. However after listening to several recruiters share their process, I have found that the most common way to breakdown a recruitment cycle is in following stages: preparation, sourcing, screening, selecting, hiring and onboarding.

Across all the different stages of recruitment cycle, there are a ton of interactions that take place between you as the recruiter, the hiring manager, sometimes other recruiters in the team, and the candidates. And since all of them have busy schedules, it takes a lot of effort and email back-and-forth each time you need to find the time to meet with any one of them.

So if you could start scheduling meetings 10x faster, imagine the amount of time and resources that you would end up saving throughout the recruitment cycle.

Shorten your recruitment cycle with automated scheduling

The reason FreeBusy has an impact across the entire recruitment cycle is because it not just automates scheduling of 1:1 meetings but also makes it 10x faster to coordinate meetings when multiple stakeholders are required in the meeting.

Let's take a look at each of the stages and how automated scheduling can significantly impact your workflow:

A. Preparation

This stage requires you as a recruiter to work with the hiring manager to understand more about the job opening, work on the job description and create a job advert. You need at least one or two interactions with the hiring manager if not more.

Process using FreeBusy:

  1. If you and the hiring manager both use FreeBusy, it can instantly find a time for you when both of you are available (even if you aren't on same domain)
  2. If the hiring manager is not using FreeBusy, you can send your availability as a link and let them pick a time that works for the both of you
  3. You can even suggest a few times to allow the hiring manager to schedule the meeting with a single click.

Impact: Saves ~10-15mins for both you and hiring manager on every interaction

B. Sourcing

While there are many platforms out there that can help you find a pool of candidates, several recruiters also prefer to work with sourcing agents who specialize in finding for you a pool of candidates that meet the job requirements. However, it is very important that the requirements and expectations are communicated correctly to the sourcing agents.

And so it is extremely useful to have a 1:1 meeting with the sourcing agent at the start of the exercise.

Process using FreeBusy:

  1. Since sourcing agents would mostly be external to your company, having a booking link added to your email signature can make it easy for them to quickly locate the link and check your availability and pick a time that works.
  2. If you need to schedule within a limited time frame, you can even suggest a few times that they can choose from.

Impact: Saves ~10-15mins for you and the sourcing agent

C. Screening

This stage often involves the process of screening resumes and then setting up phone screens with the pool of potential candidates that fit your needs. While phone screens are short 1:1 with the candidates, the sheer number of candidates for whom this needs to be scheduled, often makes it the most exhausting part of the recruitment cycle.

Process using FreeBusy:

Setting up a booking page for phone screens and allowing candidates to book a time with you. (Here's a detailed blog to get you started with using automated scheduling for phone screens)

Impact: Saves ~10mins spent for each potential candidate

Sounds too good to be true? Try it yourself

D. Selecting

As a recruiter, this stage requires working closely with the hiring manager as it would involve setting up a number of interviews for each candidate based on the job opening and the progress of the candidate. However, setting up these interviews can be quite challenging as it can often involve one of the following scenarios:

  1. You need to setup an interview with the candidate, yourself and the hiring manager
  2. You as a recruiter just needs to broker a meeting between the hiring manager and the candidate
  3. Sometimes you may need to schedule a panel interview such that all the interviewers are available

Process using FreeBusy:

In all of the above scenarios, FreeBusy makes it very easy to coordinate such meetings using meeting polls to find the best time to meet with the candidate. FreeBusy also offers the capability to create such polls right from within your Outlook, Gmail or any other ATS system that you work with.

Impact: Saves ~1-2 hours going back and forth to find the time that works for everyone

E. Hiring

This stage would involve running some reference and background checks but also assist the hiring manager with whatever information and details are required so as to take the right call. Scheduling these type of working sessions would be similar to the workflow for the Preparation stage.

Process using FreeBusy:

It would be similar to the Preparation stage discussed above

Impact: Saves ~10-15mins for both you and the hiring manager

F. Onboarding

Once the candidate is hired, it is very important that they are onboarded to the team effectively to ensure that they can succeed better at their role. During the onboarding period, it can be helpful to check-in once in a while with the newly hired employees or make it easy for them to connect with the hiring managers.

Process using FreeBusy:

You can share your availability link or the availability link of the hiring manager (if they are using FreeBusy) for new employees to quickly schedule a check-in call incase they need any assistance.

Impact: Saves ~10mins for the new employee and the hiring manager or you as the recruiter

In summary, every stage of recruitment cycle has significant opportunities to save time and resources with a tool like FreeBusy. All you need to do is sign-up and experience it yourself!