Follow the steps below to know how to share link to your booking page using which people can schedule meeting with you, when you are available.
Step 1: Go to "Appointment Booking"
On this page you will find list of booking pages.
Step 2: Click on "Copy Booking Page Link" on your booking page and share it with client or colleague who wants to book appointment with you.
This is your calendar availability link.
Step 3: To experience how your guest would book the meeting with you open the booking page link in browser and click on the type of meeting you wish to schedule.
This is your booking page. It lists that appointment type that you have made available to your guests. Click on the type of appointment that you wish to book you will see a page with available times for this type of meeting.
Step 4: Select a date and time for meeting.
The times are determined automatically based on events on your calendar and your settings in Appointment Type.
Step 5: Propose a meeting.
If you are testing on your own, make sure you enter a different email that you used for FreeBusy or use your colleague's email.
Accept meeting proposal:
Go to FreeBusy's Appointment Booking Page and click on bell icon on top right corner to check the meeting proposal that you have received.
Meeting will be scheduled. You would receive the email confirmation and calendar invite. You can also check this meeting in FreeBusy Calendar.